House of Keto




Keto Almond Butter & Mixed Berry “Uncrustables

Mixed Berry Jam

1 cup strawberries 

1 cup blueberries 

1 cup raspberries 

1 cup blackberries 

1 tsp xanthan gum 

Juice of 2 lemons

1. Combine all fruit in large pot/sauce pan on medium heat. (As soon as I clean them, I put them right in the pan, the extra water will help you make the jam)

2. Squeeze the lemon juice over the fruit and bring to a boil.

3. Allow mixture to cook for 7-10 minutes or until all the fruit starts breaking down.

4. Add your xanthan gum and stir around. This will help it thicken. 

*You can use any variety of berries, we just had this all fresh on hand and I wanted to use them up. You can also add sweetener to this, but in my opinion it doesn’t need it.

Almond  Butter Layers

1 cup coconut oil

2 1/2 cups almond butter 

1/2 cup @swervesweetie Brown Sugar

(You can add more sweetener or leave out all together) 

1. Combine ingredients and heat in the microwave for 1 minute.

2. Use hand mixer to blend all ingredients together and get a runny consistency. 

3. Layer almond butter in silicone baking cups and place in the freezer for 10 minutes (You want it firm so the jam doesn’t fall down in the almond butter, if it starts to do this, let them freeze longer)

4. Layer the jam on top of the frozen layer of almond butter and place in the freezer for 10 minutes. 

5. Layer almond butter on top of frozen jam and freeze again for at least 10 minutes or until completely frozen.

6. After removing from baking cups, they are best stored in the freezer. When eating you can sit out for a few minutes prior to eating to allow them to soften up.

Makes 27 - Macros for 1 

240 calories/ 5.5g protein/ 22g fat/ 3g net carbs

These can be stored in the freezer. You might allow them to sit out for a few minutes before eating.

You can substitute the coconut oil for cocoa butter and this will make them more stable .

Coconut oil starts to melt as soon as it hits room temperature.

Abigail Scott